Category Archives: Current Events

Giveaway time!!!

That’s right!!! I’ve decided to do our first giveaway. I went to Buckingham Palace last week and bought two copies of Robe Magazine (which is awesome, you’ll love it) and so I want to give one of them away. You need only comment below and each entry will be entered and the winner will be chosen by random… Read on

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“In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” Review

I recently went to the amazing “In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” in the Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace. I had just finished tours at Kensington Palace and then took the Number 9 bus (a Routemaster) from Palace Gate to Green Park and then walked across the beautiful Green Park towards Buckingham Palace. I… Read on

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2013 Garden History Tours!

Fancy joining the Seventeenth Century Lady for a tour around the gardens of one of the most famous palaces in the world? That’s right, the Garden History Tours at Kensington Palace are back up and running! I started them off on Thursday, 2nd of May, which was a beautiful sunny, warm day. These award-winning tours* are free, last… Read on

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You decide!

I have been a busy lady recently! My novella His Last Mistress, about the Duke of Monmouth, is currently being reviewed for release this summer. Meanwhile I am putting the finishing touches to my larger work William & Mary: a Novel  (I am hoping this will be appealing to many readers and interested publishers are welcome to contact me regarding… Read on

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The Birth of Queen Mary II

That beauteous, intelligent, sensitive woman, Mary Stuart, who later became Queen Mary II of England, Scotland, and Ireland, was born on this day 30th of April, 1662.   Her mother was Anne Hyde, a commoner who had become the Duchess of York upon marrying James, Duke of York, younger brother to Charles II. The birth took place at… Read on

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Monmouth novella sent off today!

Hi everyone! I’ve been a busy little bee in recent days, well, recent months. After writing the novella, sending it around to four proofreaders, hacking it up and re-writing bits, changing things here and there, I finally just sent it to the publishers. It’s quite an experience, I have to say, waiting around, sweaty-palmed, my heartbeat nearing palpitation… Read on

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Calm thyself!

Here’s something I made last night…

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King Richard III & the 17th Century

The humans remains found a few months ago buried in a car park in Leicester have today been confirmed as being those of King Richard III! Richard III has had a very bad reputation for hundreds of years – often described as being one of the worst monarchs to rule England. His time period is, granted, not my… Read on

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De Gouden Eeuw Series

Love the Dutch Golden Age? Then you will love the new documentary series entitled, “De Gouden Eeuw,” which will be broadcasted beginning tonight in The Netherlands. I was delighted to have been asked to participate in this major documentary, and should appear in what I believe is the last episode of the series – Episode 13, where I… Read on

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The Fabulous Peter Lely

Famous for the sensual portraits known as “The Windsor Beauties,” Lely was the leading portrait painter of the Restoration. He died on this day 30th November, 1680. Lely, whose birth name was Pieter van der Faes, was born to Dutch parents in Germany, and he trained in art in Haarlem, back in the Dutch Republic. He made portraits… Read on

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Paul Armesto Art

Over the past few months and years, I’ve been fortunate to get to know many very talented individuals who have a great appreciation for the beauty of the past – be it in literature, music, art, and one of these individuals is Paul Armesto. Mr. Armesto is a very talented artist currently based in New York City, though… Read on

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Remembrance Day

No, this is not to do with the Seventeenth Century, but this is Remembrance Day, and an important annual remembrance of fallen heroes. I support the troops, and honour them, past and present. I volunteered at a nursing home for thirteen years since I was ten and I met many men who fought in the Second World War,… Read on

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Over 1,000 Twitter followers!

When I opened my Twitter account in late 2009, I had about two or three close friends follow me. I didn’t have fashionable views on things, and I wasn’t funny or anything that is popular. I didn’t talk about anything in particular to begin with, and so it continued in this quiet vein until perhaps the end of… Read on

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Welcome to the new blog!

I know I had only recently made my previous blog publicly viewable, but since I already had this domain I thought it would be best to move the promo for my book, “William & Mary: A Novel” to and use the main page for my blog. Why switch from my old WordPress account? Well, I wanted more… Read on

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Exciting times ahead?

I feel the 17th century may soon experience a surge in interest. For far too long, the 1600s, sandwiched in between the ever-popular Tudor era and the sexy Enlightenment/Dangerous Liaisons of the 18th century, has been too readily forgotten about. Perhaps I am being too optimistic, I don’t know, but I  just have this incredible feeling about my… Read on

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Queen Mary II is now on Facebook!

Why did I decide to make a page for her? Well, I think she’s always overshadowed by her husband, William III of Orange, and whilst that’s understandable, she was too good a person for us to forget about. For Mary II, Princess of Orange and Queen of England, please go to:  

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Baroque Weekend at Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace recently had a Baroque Weekend event and I travelled down from my home in Balham to participate in the activities. At 11 o’clock, we were escorted by Sir Christopher Wren from the Clock Court in the Tudor portion of the palace through to the Baroque palace to await the arrival of King William III and… Read on

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The Royal Wedding of William & Catherine

I stood in the crowds just outside St. James’s Palace… The excitement was palpable and the camaraderie amazing – everyone I spoke with – strangers- were friendly and joyous. I regard that day as one of the best days of my life. I will never forget being a part of that wonderful feeling of happiness to see such… Read on

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Kensington Palace Garden History Tours

This is the first time Kensington Palace has offered Garden History Tours! They will be free of charge and last between 45 minutes to 1 hour. All you need to do is sign up at either the Queen’s Entrance or the hub area inside the palace. Please be aware these tours are only for the summer months, from… Read on

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Wrest Park

Wrest Park in beautiful Bedfordshire, England, was in a state of dilapidation for many years, and connected to a research facility. Now, under the careful and capable management of English Heritage (of which I am a member), the house and its gardens are looking great: I came to visit this building during my search for a suitable venue… Read on

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Happy Birthday: Shakespeare’s 445th!

Not one writer has touched my heart and satiated my intellect as William Shakespeare has. Since I was a little girl, I have loved his sonnets, his plays, his themes, and the emotional resonance of them all. I am proud to say I’ve read the Complete Works entirely at least twice. Born in Stratford-Upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England, William… Read on

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