Category Archives: Current Events

Weekly Wrap-Up! The Week of January 2-9, 2015

Hi everyone! Those of you who follow me on Twitter and Facebook know that I post any 17th-century-related news. As this is something I haven’t been sharing here on the website, I thought (given 2015 has just started) that I could begin doing a weekly compilation of all news, highlights, and links. Let me know what you think!… Read on

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Elizabeth Chadwick & The Thames Valley History Festival

Last Monday night, I attended Elizabeth Chadwick’s talk at the Guildhall here in Windsor. I was lucky as I booked only the night before and I was surprised there were any tickets left. Elizabeth Chadwick is a very popular and successful historical fiction author, whose books have been translated into numerous languages. I’m very pleased to be connected… Read on

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The Seventeenth Century Lady Reaches One Million Views!

Around midnight last night, I noticed that this website had indeed reached over one million views. This calls for a celebration, no? I think it also calls for a look back on some of the most popular articles and events that have shaped The Seventeenth Century Lady since the site re-launched in 2012.   Handsome 17th-century Men from November… Read on

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Rembrandt: The Late Works at The National Gallery, London

This morning I attended the press preview of The National Gallery’s newest exhibition (opening tomorrow) of Rembrandt: The Late Works. Sponsored by Shell, this stunning exhibition is from 15 October 2014 – 18 January 2015. It is located in the Sainsbury Wing of The National Gallery, London. The closest Tube station being Charing Cross. I hope you enjoy… Read on

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The Stuart Vampire Book Tour

Good day to you all! I will be doing a virtual book tour with Historical Fiction Book Tours from today, the 13th of October to the 24th of October. THE STUART VAMPIRE BLOG TOUR SCHEDULE Monday, October 13Review at A Chick Who Reads – has given The Stuart Vampire 4 stars!Tuesday, October 14The Stuart Vampire Launch Party @ 12:00pm-2:00pm ESTWednesday, October… Read on

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Short story: ‘Princeps Henricus’

This is the short story I recently submitted to the Historical Novel Society Conference on Saturday 6th September. The conference was really interesting and it was fun to meet up with fellow writers and great to learn from the most successful in our genre. There’s always so much to learn, and I was grateful to be able to… Read on

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Grand Regency Promenade & Opening of the Jane Austen Festival

Last Saturday, I took a brief sojourn from our beloved 17th-century and travelled into the future – to a Regency event in Bath, England. I attended the Jane Austen Festival Grand Regency Promenade on the 13th of September, 2014. With only my early 19th-century clothing and my mobile conveniently smuggled into my reticule, I journeyed via public transportation… Read on

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The 17th Century Lady Visits Satterthwaite and Ambleside

Last Bank Holiday weekend, my husband Gavin and I went back up to the Lake District in Cumbria. We stayed at a farm again, this time in the middle of and pitched our tent up on a hill in the midst of Grizedale Forest. Grizedale lies between Conistan Water and Lake Windermere. It was a most picturesque spot.… Read on

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Ye Blog Hop!

Good day to you! I’m quite excited, as I’ve never participated in a Blog Hop before. I was tagged by the lovely Laura Rahme, who runs the blog below: I know Laura from Goodreads, which isn’t only a place for reviews, but where I’ve met some really fascinating individuals who love books as much as I do. 1)… Read on

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The 17th Century Lady Takes on Cat Bells and Derwentwater

I just returned back home from an adventure in the Lake District, and although I haven’t anything remotely historical to relate to you, (although this area hasn’t changed drastically since the 17th-century) I think you might enjoy some of the photos (which belong to me, obviously). Like this: My husband travelled up from Birmingham and we faced several… Read on

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Giveaway Time!

Happy New Year! To start us off, I want to run our second giveaway. Enter NOW for your chance to win a signed paperback copy of “His Last Mistress”! Here’s how to enter: In ONE sentence – what is your favourite thing about the 17th century? Use the comment function below to enter. This giveaway ends on Friday the… Read on

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The 17th Century Lady Looks Back at 2013

I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone by, but when I stop to think about everything that’s happened in it, it’s no wonder! I’d like to thank those of you who have supported me and The Seventeenth Century Lady since the beginning in 2011 – and to those who have recently started looking at this site… Read on

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Save van Dyck’s Self-Portrait!

I’m always keen on a worthy historical cause, and this one came to my attention a few days ago in an email from the National Portrait Gallery. Van Dyck, as many readers of this website already know, was a very important Flemish painter during the early-to-middle part of the 17th Century and famously produced many portraits of the… Read on

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Build the Lenox: Guest Post by Julian Kingston

Today, The Seventeenth Century Lady is pleased to have a guest post from Julian Kingston of the Build the Lenox Project. I hope you will be able to support the building of this beautiful, historical 17th-century warship. – Andrea _____________________________ Andrea has very graciously offered me a guest posting on her wonderful site to tell you about our project… Read on

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Updates & A Month of Guest Posts!

Hello everyone! Well! I’m getting ready for the second week in my virtual book tour for His Last Mistress, and I have only just finished writing my last guest post for that, so, whew! I would like to ask any of you who have read my book, and liked it, to please rate and review it on Goodreads, Amazon… Read on

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English Heritage’s History Live! 2013

Last year’s Festival of History was cancelled because the river burst its banks and flooded the whole field at Kelmarsh. This year, however, was dry and lovely and a comfortable temperature – and we all had a blast! Re-named History Live! this festival had loads of activities from historical eras spanning 2,000 years. All photos by me. Our… Read on

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Tempe Restored – A 17th Century Masque at Banqueting House

I went to the Press Preview of the new, vibrant, stunning new exhibition/experience at Banqueting House in Whitehall yesterday. From the 19th of July to 1 September 2013, Banqueting House has been transformed into the world of the 17th-century masque. All photos by me. The original Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace was destroyed by fire, and the current… Read on

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Monmouth’s Resting Place in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula

On Monday the 15th of July, I went to Tower Hill where I spoke about the life of James Scott, Duke of Monmouth. I will now include photos and excerpts I used from contemporary sources. It was a beautiful day to remember a beautiful man. It was a very hot and sunny, and I bought two bouquets of… Read on

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Save the Borgias!

Showtime’s beautiful television series, The Borgias, has been cancelled by studio executives, causing understandable uproar from fans – of which I am one. I know that it is “just a television show”, but it is one of the best-made shows I have ever seen and deserves to finish properly. With all the reality tv rubbish all over the… Read on

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Writing Updates…

Hi everyone! I just want to let you know what’s going on regarding my various writing projects. I’m working on formatting His Last Mistress from ebook to paperback form, and Orland Media, Ltd. is working on creating a logo for me. I designed this with quill and ink, of course, but it’s fiddly to get into computer vectors:… Read on

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And the Winners Are…

Congrats to First Prize Winner, Frances from Rebel Hand, and Vivienne Derricutt, our Runner Up! Please contact me with your address details so I can send these items to you later today! Thank you to everyone who participated – you might not have won this time, but this was just the first giveaway, I hope to do more… Read on

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Event: The 328th Anniversary of Monmouth’s Execution

This will be an informal meetup to commemorate the tragic execution of James Scott, Duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch on the 15th of July, 1685. We will meet by the plaque between Tower Hill Tube Station and The Liberty Bounds pub. This is generally the area upon which his execution took place. There will be readings of excerpts… Read on

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