Ten Things I Am Grateful For

Wow, it’s already the last day of the August Blog Challenge. This has been such an interesting month of blogging, and I think you know me better than before.

Things I am grateful for now:

  1. My family. I’ve always been grateful for them. They really rock.
  2. My “fans” – apparently, I can say this now! Really, these people have supported me since the start of The Seventeenth Century Lady and raised me up when I was having doubts – so thank you.
  3. You – yes, you, reading this now. I’m grateful that you are doing this.
  4. Warmth. England can be flippin’ cold sometimes.
  5. Food. Especially from my father-in-law’s allotment.
  6. Love. I can’t live without this. Just can’t.
  7. Books. Nope. Can’t live without these, either.
  8. I can walk without great pain now. I had a second degree sprain of my ankle in June, and it hurt like a monkey!
  9. My vision. I have bad sight, but I am so grateful I can still see to work and read and do things I enjoy.
  10. I’m still alive. I’m grateful for this.

Thank you for joining me on this month’s challenge.

I’m going to the pub now. 🙂


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