Rob Roy MacGregor

The Scottish hero popularly known as Rob Roy, was baptised on the 7th of March, 1678, by Loch Katrine.

A teenaged Rob Roy has a little cameo in my book due to his involvement in Bonny Dundee’s Jacobite uprising against William & Mary. Many clans, though Presbyterian or Protestant, supported Catholic King James II on principle for he was the God-anointed king still living. Many in Scotland during this time saw William and Mary as usurpers, and therefore, not worthy of obedience. It was a hostile time, with the Battle of Killiecrankie in 1689 and then the Glen Coe Massacre in 1692, both during the time of William & Mary.

Some see MacGregor as an outlaw, a criminal – and he was incarcerated for a short time following a rather long tale involving the Marquis of Montrose and MacGregor’s defaulting on a loan by him and losing his lands as a result. Others see him as a heroic figure for standing up against the Williamites.

He died in his home on the 28th of December 1734, during the reign of King George II.

To peoples outside Scotland, Rob Roy was brought to popularity by the 1995 film, “Rob Roy,” which I found to be very good:

Read more…

1) Rob Roy: Legend and the Truth.
2) Robert the Red (Rob Roy).


Hear ye! 2 thoughts — so far — on “Rob Roy MacGregor”:

  1. Alisha Klapheke

    If someone assassinated William and Mary before they had the chance to birth their massive political and cultural changes, would James have regained his throne? I’m merely having fun here…

    1. Andrea Zuvich (The 17th Century Lady) Post author

      Hello! Good question – it would have probably gone to Mary’s sister Anne – Parliament was generally set against having a “Popish” king on the throne, and Anne had previously been on the list of heirs to the throne during Charles II’s reign. That James and Maria of Modena had a son threw everything into a mess. Anne would have been secure in the 1690s, for she had one living son during that time – William Henry, Duke of Gloucester – to seemingly secure the Protestant succession.

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