Weekly Wrap Up!

Good day to you all!

I’ve been hard at work on getting a first draft of 100 Facts About the Stuarts done because I’m keen to show it to my editor soon. The June deadline is fast approaching, and I’m finding that there are so many more facts about our beloved Stuart era that I’m simply going to have to leave out. It won’t only be about the royals, but about foods, clothing, politics, religion, customs, laws, the arts and sciences. Hopefully it will have something for everyone – even those with no previous interest in the 17th-century.

Last Tuesday, I spent ALL DAY at the British Library and it was very productive, though I was mentally exhausted by the time I left (and my eyes were strained and irritated). I’ve decided I should wait a week before going to the National Archives (which I’ll go to tomorrow for an all-day session again). These places tend to be open for longer on some days and if I have to pay to get the train in, I might as well get my money’s worth.

For the rest of the week, I was in the local library, which has an array of interesting material pertaining to royalty and local (Windsor & Eton) history. I think I pushed myself far too hard this week, because I had a massive migraine all of Friday and Saturday!

On Saturday (whilst still in the grips of migraine), I travelled into central London to go on Robin Rowles‘ Civil War Connections Around St. Paul’s and Cheapside walking tour. It was a beautiful day, and dry (woo-hoo!). Robin’s tour was approximately 2 hours 15 minutes and his enthusiasm for this period in history is obvious. I learned a good deal because I hadn’t been much acquainted with how important the various guilds were during the English Civil Wars. I was able to get some nice photos as we walked around. I must say – it was SO nice to be on someone else’s tour instead of doing one myself. Anyway, if you do get a chance to go on a London history walking tour, I would recommend it!

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Plaque marking the area in which John Milton was born. Milton has an entry in my “100 Facts” book. © Andrea Zuvich

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“When ye have sought the Citty Round yet still this is the highest ground. August the 27th 1688” by St. Paul’s station. So, at one point, during the reign of James II, this was the highest point in London. My how things have changed! © Andrea Zuvich

St. Paul's Cathedral. What's not to like? © Andrea Zuvich

St. Paul’s Cathedral. What’s not to like? © Andrea Zuvich

Remember, you can see all of my Instagram photos (in which you’ll find more photos from Saturday’s walking tour):

This week, we’ll have at least one guest post and, time permitting, I’ll post a new article. If not, I’m sure you will understand why not!


On the 3rd of March, I was in the archives and I came across a letter from Charles II to William III, Prince of Orange (later King William III):

Whitehall, February 10, 1674 [original spelling maintained]

“Dear Nephew…I desire you to give him intire Credit to those Things I have directed him to say to you, especially, when he shall tell you with what Tenderness I love you, and how little you are to believe those malicious Persons, who may have, or shall suggest any Thing to you, contrary to this my Profession, wherein, methinks, our common interests, as well as your Nearness to me in Blood, ought to be an intire Security to us both, and sufficient to justify, above all Exceptions, the Promise I make you of being unalterably, Dear Nephew, Yours, &c, Charles R.”

Antonio VIVALDI‬, Italian Baroque‬ composer, was born on this day 4 March 1678. Read about him in my post, “Vivaldi: The Red Priest of Baroque“.

Yesterday, the 8th of March, I had to take a day off from all computer-related stuff, so yes, I didn’t get to commemorate William III’s death. But those of you who know me know I wouldn’t forget about that! If you would like to know how the Stadtholder-King died, please read my article, The Death of William III.


18th-century painter Joshua Reynolds has been revealed to have vandalised a Rembrandt. *sighs*

Shallow 17th-Century Grave Unearthed in Oxford, via Archaeology Magazine.

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Hear ye! One thought — so far — on “Weekly Wrap Up!”:

  1. Bambi Babbitt

    Thank you for adding me to your subscription list! Also, thank you for featuring the little letter that Charles wrote to William. Very interesting!

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