Tag Archives: Puritans

Review: “Salem” Television Series

I’ve been putting off watching this series for a while because I’m always hesitant these days to watch anything set in the 17th-century. I set aside my preconceived ideas and had an open mind when I watched the first episode, but from the moment the first line was delivered, I was cringing – and it was not the… Read on

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C17 HF Spotlight: “Letters to Kezia” by Peni Jo Renner

I’ve known Peni Jo Renner for several years now (as the 17th-century was such a niche market for a while); so it is with pleasure that I welcome her to The Seventeenth Century Lady to discuss her latest 17th-century historical fiction book, Letters to Kezia! After reading my first novel, Puritan Witch; The Redemption of Rebecca Eames, most… Read on

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No Christmas For You! The Holiday Under Cromwell

Hello and welcome to a special Christmas Blog Hop post, and I would like to thank Helen Hollick for including me! My contribution is, of course, about the 17th-century. Anyone who loves Early Music and Early Modern history, as I do, can probably talk about the beautiful Christmas verses which were composed during the Elizabethan and Early Stuart… Read on

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